Tectonic Displacement Measurement Data Archive
Track Displacement
Day Time(GMT) Latitude Logitude (deg) (meters)
08/01 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
08/14 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
08/27 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
09/09 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
09/22 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
10/05 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
10/18 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
10/31 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
11/13 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
11/26 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
12/09 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
12/22 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
01/04 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
01/17 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.001 270.0 0.0309
01/30 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 90.0 -0.0309
02/12 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
02/25 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000
Track direction and displacement are calculated according to the following formulas:
L1 = Start Latitude,
L2 = End Latitude,
Lo1= Start Longitude,
Lo2= End Longitude,
PI = 3.142857143
Those needing more precision can click here for a more precise figure for PI...
The data entries for 01/17 and 01/30 have been determined to be incorrect. The entries for these dates should read as follows:
01/17 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.001 322.5 0.0000
01/30 12:00:00 37:00:00.000 -109:02:45.000 322.5 0.0000