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Pearson Petrel
LOA 12’1
LWL 11’0
Beam 5’0
Weight 160
Mast height- from water line 20’4
12-foot sailing dinghy!
This unique sailing dinghy retains all the traditional beauty of line and sail rig
something old! Something new
Pearson ingenuity in styling it in low-maintenance fiberglass!
The Petrel has many desirable new features to complement her traditional beauty
with just enough rich wood inside trim to make this modern counterpart of the old New
England cat-rigged centerboard dinghy a distinguished modern sailboat.
Consider these features:
Hinged mast partner with step guide for easy mast stepping and lowering
Rotating aluminum mast and aluminum boom
85 sq. ft. loose-footed dacron sail
One-piece fiberglass sole with watertight centerboard trunk
Full flotation
completely self bailing
Stainless standing rigging
nylon running rigging
Nylon rope rubrail
Friction level-operated fiberglass centerboard
Tilt-up fiberglass rudder
Marine bronze hardware
Easily cartopped or tailed, rigged with ease in minutes!